mandag 19. november 2018

Monthly Report November

Jambo you all, we at happy day hope that you are all doing fine. We are doing well too.
We are closing school on Friday 2nd Nov, 2018 for Christmas holidays. We will have our graduation on the same day. This is the longest period of time that the kids are away from school. We all know that 95% of the happy day kids are from very poor families and so the two months that they will be at home are a big big challenge to the families. Most families cannot afford a meal every day unlike when we are in school then they are sure of eating lunch, breakfast and porridge during break time. Its our humble request that if possible we buy some foodstuffs to give to them on closing day to take home with them. We think that if they can get each a 2kg packet of maize flour, 2kg rice, 2kg packet of wheat flour, bar soap, 1 ltr cooking oil, salt and 1 kg sugar then we will have helped the families a bit during the month of November.

October/Nov budget
Salaries..... 75,000

In case we can afford this is what we need for the whole school 
100kg rice ................... @ 8,800 
5 bales maize flour........@ 5,200 
5 bales wheat flour........@ 5,750 
50kg sugar.....................@ 6,800 
50ltrs cooking oil...........@6,900 
1 carton bar soap...........@ 1,400 
TOTAL............................ 34,850

onsdag 3. oktober 2018

Monthly Report September/October

Written by Teacher Margaret

Jambo Happy Day family We at happy day are doing well and we hope you all are doing fine. 
We have come to the second month of third term 2018 and we are very grateful for your continued support. 
This month our school scouts are supposed to go for a camp at the Nairobi show ground during the Nairobi agricultural show. Unfortunately this is impossible since the school has no money and the parents can't afford to pay for their kids. However, we are glad that the scouts teacher will go to represent us at her own cost. When she comes back she will be refreshed and she will teach new ideas from the camp. The Nairobi agricultural show is an exhibition of how food is grown, harvested and stored. It is also an exhibition of how other items are made. There is also fun sports for kids and much more. 
This month will see our pre unit class graduate to grade 1. The ceremony will be held at the Jehovah jire secondary school ground ( where we had the party and the bouncing castle when the principal and mama Erica were in Kenya) This is also the shortest academic term in Kenya and so schools are closing mid next month and that's why we have the graduations this month

The area ECD schools met last week and we are happy to be members of the group. This enables us to know what is happening around and to interact with our neighbouring schools. We are planning on doing interschool exams at the end of the term

There has been an increase in almost all the items in Kenya due to the increase in vat taxes

Our sept/Oct budget is as follows

Salaries.......... 75,000 
Gas refill..........2,500 
Insurance...... 14,000 

Thanks and have a blessed week ahead

søndag 9. september 2018

Monthly Report July/August

Written by Teacher Margaret

I hope you are all doing well. We too are doing fine. 
Happy day is opening school on 3rd September 2018 after the August holidays break. During the break we were able to vaccinate 48 kids for typhoid. We weren't able to take pictures because it was done in a government facility called njiru health centre. The remaining people will be vaccinated as soon as we open school next week. This will happen at happy day then we can take some pictures. Most of those who have not been vaccinated had either traveled with their parents upcountry or couldn't be reached on phone after closing day. 
Today teacher Mary is attending an ECDE (early childhood development and education) teachers seminar at the bridge international school. This will keep happy day updated on matters that concern the early childhood education. 
Third term is the shortest term of the year. Schools close early to enable the grade 8 and form 4 candidates to do their national examination. Third term has many activities in the school calendar. Our pre- unit class will graduate to the grade one class in November. During this term we will have an inter schools ball games that will take place in our neighbouring school. This will include all informal schools around including happy day. We will also have the mid and end term exams for all kids. Second term saw us go to the animal orphanage in Nairobi. It was a really good experience for all of us at happy day. Thanks so much Marianne for paying for all of us to go to the orphanage. We are hoping to take the kids to the mamba village and ostrich center by the end of the term... This is because we realised during a children's rally that was held early this year that this kids lack an outside exposure. We want them to realise that there is life away from their homes and away from their usual environment

Salaries....... 75,000 
Gas refill.......2,400 
Insurance... .14,000 


Thanks and have a blessed weekend.

lørdag 2. juni 2018

Monthly Report May/June

Written by Teacher Margaret

Jambo Happy Day family and happy new month. 
We at happy day are doing well. We are happy to report that we have partnered with the child evangelism missionaries and they have been coming to our school every wednesday morning for 1 hour to teach life skills and religion to our kids. Teacher Mary and I have also been registered in the area neighboring schools association which meets once per month to interact and learn ways of dealing with different challenges that are experienced around. On june 21st the meeting will be held at happy day. 
We are also happy to report that we now have lighting in all our classes. We have also put window panes( glasses) in our classes and we also replaced broken ones. Last weekend was repairs day and we also repaired broken desks. 
Our may/june budget is as follows:
Salaries......... 75,000
Gas refill..........2,400
Insurance......... 5,000

We are also glad that fatumas family has relocated/shifted. Thats really good coz now they have an access to clean water, a toilet and a good roof that keeps them away from the cold. And now they don't go hungry coz they are at an easy reach. Thanks the kawinzi family for making sure that they are well fed and clothed.

torsdag 5. april 2018

Monthly report March/April

Written by Teacher Margaret

Jambo happy day family. Receive Easter greetings from us at happy day. We are almost closing school for the easter holidays. First term has been the best for us due to the visits from norway.We are a happy people due to the encouragement , motivation and help given to happy day kids, staff and families. 
Due to the ongoing transition from the 8-4-4 system of education to the new 2-6-3-3 system, the government has required that all school going children be individually registered with the ministry of education. We have started the process though we face lots of challenges. Most kids don't have a birth certificate which is a major requirement for registration. We have already paid for the registration fee that was required by the ministry of education for all happy day kids. We have registered those who have already submitted their birth certificates
We will continue with the registration even after we close. 
We are closing on Thursday 5th April 2018.  We shall open on Tuesday 2 nd may 2018
Two of our teachers are supposed to go to college to upgrade on the new curriculum. Tr mary and TR. Joy

Our march/April budget is as follows
Salaries..... 75,000
TOTAL........ 93,000
We at happy day and the country as a whole have a cooking fuel challenge. Charcoal burning has been banned by the government and we use charcoal as the only fuel at happy day
We have to upgrade from cooking with charcoal to either gas or electricity. Gas as at now is cheaper than all the other fuel though we have to buy a gas cooker which is expensive.

lørdag 3. mars 2018

Elever og lærere 2018

I år har vi 50 elever fordelt på 5 klasser. 

Babyclass og nursery




onsdag 24. januar 2018

Nytt år

Nytt år og nye muligheter! Endelig er vi igang igjen etter ferien.
Vi har gjort noen endringer på skolestrukturen vår. Vi har ikke lenger 3.klasse. Så nå har vi babyclass, nursery, pre-unit, 1.klasse og 2.klasse. Grunnen til dette er at vi kun har 4 klasserom, og at vi ønsker å bruke mer tid på de yngre barna. Da skolen startet opp, var det kun førskole, og vi ønsker å komme mer tilbake der vi startet.
Vi har derfor brukt mye tid på å få de elevene vi hadde som skulle begynne i 3.klasse hos oss over på nye skoler.

Vi er også snart helt ferdig med oppussingen. Nå skal det bare være litt maling igjen, så er vi i mål.

I år har vi 10 barn i hver klasse, så totalt har vi 50 elever.

Vi har utdelt skrivesaker og sekker til alle elevene

onsdag 3. januar 2018

Monthly Report January

Written by Teacher Margaret

Good morning to you all. We are about to open schools for the first term of 2018. We are opening on 3rd January after a very long Christmas holiday. 
We at happy day are happy because all of our parents, children and staff got some Christmas food. Thanks very much to all who made it possible. Each family got maize flour, wheat flour, porridge flour, rice, sugar, cooking oil, toothpaste, petroleum jelly, tissue, salt, biscuits and sweets. I saw joy and appreciation on their faces

Our staff are requesting for an early payment of salaries so that they too can prepare their families for back to school. Most schools will open on 2nd January

Our January budget is as follows 
Salaries..... 75000 
Insurance.. 14000 
TOTAL.... 147,300