mandag 23. februar 2015


I forrige uke var det utdeling av tannbørster og tannkrem til alle elevene ved Happy Day Junior School. Barna fikk også blyanter og viskelær. Veldig stas!

mandag 16. februar 2015

Hvorfor støtte Happy Day?

Her er 10 gode grunner til å støtte Happy Day Junior School:

1. Du bidrar til å gi skolegang til barn som ellers ikke ville hatt mulighet til å gå på skole

2. Du gir to måltid per dag til barn som ellers ville ha gått sulten hele dagen

3. Du bidrar til å stoppe barnearbeid. Mange barn som går på Happy Day ville ha jobbet hvis de ikke gikk på skolen

4. Du bidrar til bedre helse og hygiene. Happy Day gir alle elevene tannbørste, tannkrem og såpe

5. Du gir arbeid til fem lærere, en kokke og en vaktmann. Og hjelper dermed seks familier med fast inntekt

6. Du gir barn et trygt sted å gå til, så de slipper å være ute alene hele dagen når foreldrene er borte

7. Alle pengene du gir går direkte til skolen

8. Når et barn får gå på Happy Day hjelper du hele familien. Foreldrene slipper å uroe seg for barnet, fordi de vet de har det bra på skolen og får det de trenger der

9. Du gir håp om en bedre fremtid

10. Du er med på å forandre verden!

Bli en støttespiller idag, og gjør en forskjell for barna på Happy Day!
Bruk kontonummer: 1080 47 30856 og gi ditt bidrag

onsdag 4. februar 2015

Monthly Report for January

Written by Teacher Margaret

This is yet another year that we are in operation and we thank God and you all our family and friends for the continued support that you give us in all ways. 
We oppened school for first term on 6th January 2015 after a long break. We are lucky that we didn't have to go for a strike like our collegues in the public sector. Most of the children reported back to school during the first week and the rest came in the second week. All the staff are also back and working tirelessly for the children.
We also have new children, mostly in the baby class because all those who were in that class went to nursery. Teacher Mary is currently taking baby class and nursery while teacher Kellis takes the pre unit class. Teacher Jacinter is with class one while teacher Joy is with class two. Teacher Margaret does the adminisrative work and also helps the other teachers in some subjects like enlish and religious education. Josphine is the school cook and she doubles up as the cleaner while Simon is our care taker. 
The school management has been upgrading the school and giving it a facelift. We used to have one toilet which was used by all but now we have two and the boys can now use one toilet while the girls use the other. The schools main wall has also been cemented and painted though the artist who was supposed to draw some sounds, numbers and cartoons has not yet done so but we hope that he will do the work as soon as possible. 
We bought books, pencils, sharpeners and eraser for all the children and gave them on on the first week. This we do so that no child goes back home for lack of the books. The school feeding programme is ongoing and we still say thank you to all those who help feed the children. We provide porridge during break time and a meal during lunch time. Each child gets an hygience kit at the start of every month. This includes a toothbrush and toothpaste. 
Our main challenge still remain to be water shortage. We buy water from outside the school at a cost of 200 ksh per day which is very expensive for us. The government has put in place water supply pipes just outside our school and every plot is required to pay the connection fee to the Nairobi Water And Sewage company.

mandag 2. februar 2015

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