lørdag 29. mars 2014

Liker du å strikke?

Da kan dette være noe for deg!

Det går mot kaldere tider i Kenya. Selv om vi i Norge synes at det fremdeles er varmt når gradestokken viser 12 pluss, så er det kaldt for de som bor i Nairobi. De fleste barna som går på Happy Day har heller ikke et godt og varmt hus å gå hjem til etter skoletid, og når sola går ned blir det kaldt i aluminiums-skur. Derfor lurer vi på om du kunne tenkt deg å strikke noe til barna på skolen.
Vi trenger luer, votter, skjerf, sokker og genser/jakker i størrelsen 3 til 10 år.

Det du strikker kan du enten sende i posten til:
Happy Day Junior School,
P.O. Box 1170-00518,
Nairobi, Kenya

Eller du kan ta kontakt med Annelene Rør som skal nedover til Kenya i sommer.

torsdag 27. mars 2014

Monthly Report For March

Report from March 2014, written by Teacher Margaret

We greet you all our partners and friends.

We are nearing the end of the first term and are preparing for the end-term exams which will start on Monday next week. Schools will be breaking for the Easter holidays next in April. We shall break for the same holidays on the 9th of April 2014 and report back to school on 5th of May 2014.

The school calendar
The country’s school calendar is divided into three terms a year and thus three breaks. First term starts in January up to early April, and then we break for Easter. Second term begins in May up to early August when we also take a second break. Third term begins in September and is also the shortest term because we break for Christmas holidays in November. First takes duration of 14 weeks. Learning starts immediately after opening day though most children do not report to school until the second week. 

Syllabus activities
In lower Primary classes and the Pre-school the syllabus is inclusive of the following activities:

Language activities
This includes oral activities where children learn skills such as listening skills. They are also taught how to imitate sounds, tell news, tell stories, sing simple songs and make simple requests. The teacher uses story books, charts, flash cards, and any teaching aid that is appropriate for the activity.
Reading readiness activities. The children are taught how to observe pictures and objects and how to sort and match pictures and objects by looking at them and picture reading. They are also taught the names of pictures and objects and their colors. The teacher then can assess if they are able to recall what they have seen and learn. Mostly this takes minimal writing.

Writing readiness activities for the small children and beginners, the skills they learn for writing readiness are scribbling, drawing, modeling, colouring and tracing. This enables them to exercise teir finger muscles. They use crayons of different sizes and colours, charcoal, chalk, stones, sticks, pencils, papers and pictures.

Oral activities. They learn storytelling, reciting of the letters of the alphabet, responding to requests, passing simple information and singing.

As the children progress in growth and advance in classes, the same language activities take place but of course they become a little more advanced step by step.

We also have mathematics activities where children are taught 1, classification, 2, numbers and 3, measurement. These activities include sorting and grouping, matching and pairing, rote counting, measuring sides of objects, measuring weight of objects, measuring volume of small containers and surfaces of objects. These activities also advance with the age of the children.

We also have outdoor activities which start with warm-up exercises. The first activity in this area is body movement. Currently our school just takes our kids to the field for play because we don’t have the apparatus like swings, slides, tunnels, see-saw and balance beams. At our school we use ropes, balls, and bean bags for our outdoor activities. Games and dances also take place during the activities.

Science activities are also part of what children learn in schools in Kenya. They learn names of parts of the body, of animals and plants, the environment, classification of specimen of animals and plants, sorting and grouping, experimentation, observation and field excursions. This is where the kids are taken for field visits.

Social activities are also taught. This includes the topics family members, our home (food, utensils used at home) domestic animals and work done at home.

Creative activities include modeling, painting, printing, colouring, tracing, drawing, pasting and sticking, tearing and construction.

More activities that children learn are religious education, music and movement and life skills development. All this activities are divided into lessons and also allocated specific time. All teachers have timetables which guide them in teaching. This helps them to achieve the intended objectives.

We follow the handbook for early childhood development education syllabus which comes from the ministry of education.

As we reported last month the porridge for the kids during break time has come a long way into helping the kids concentrate in class because they are not hungry. Thank you to all those who have enabled this.

Our plans for the project and mostly for the kids are still on and we hope to achieve them one by one.

Your help, comments, advice or thoughts that would go into the progress of the school is most welcome.

Thank you very much for your continued support. We value you so much.

torsdag 20. mars 2014

Happy day junior school expenditure report

Happy Day got: KSH 52,000.

Salaries: ksh. 36.000

Feeding programme: ksh. 13.200

Porridge flour: 300 per kg @20kgs

Sugar: 400 per kg @8kgs

Charcoal: 2,000 per sack @ 2

Teaching stationeries: ksh. 3.000

TOTAL: ksh 52. 200

Happy Day got KSH 69,000

Salaries: ksh. 36.000

Text books: ksh. 7.000

Exam materials: ksh. 4.000

Feeding programme: ksh. 19.800

Porridge flour: 300 per kg @ 30kgs

Sugar: 400 per kg @ 12kgs

Charcoal: 2,000 per sack @ 3

Teaching stationeries: ksh. 3.000

TOTAL: ksh 69. 800

NB. the salaries for the staff are as follows:

Tr. Maggy: ksh 10.000

Tr. Kellis: ksh 6.000

Tr. Mary: ksh 5.000

Tr. Joy: ksh 5.000

Tr. Jacinta: ksh 5.000

Care taker Mr. Mbithi: ksh 2.500
Cook Ms. Josphine: ksh 2.500.

onsdag 12. mars 2014

Gym og uteaktiviteter

Hver onsdag og fredag har alle elevene en time med gym og uteaktiviteter. Her er noen bilder fra sist fredag:

mandag 10. mars 2014

En skoletime for de yngste

Her er et eksempel på hvordan en lærer planlegger en skoletime på Happy Day.

Tema: MAT
Undertema: Frukt
Mål: På slutten av timen skal elevene kunne navn på forskjellige frukter
Ressurser: Frukt, tavle, bilder av frukt
Referanser: Lærerens egne notater
Klasse: Baby class (3-4 år)
5 min
Læreren vil introdusere dagens tema med en sang om frukt
Elevene vil synge etter læreren
20 min
Steg 1
Læreren vil vise fram bilder av frukt for klassen
Elevene ser på bildene

Steg 2
Læreren vil navngi de forskjellige fruktene
Elevene vil høre på hva de forskjellige fruktene heter

Steg 3
Læreren vil spørre barna om navnene på de forskjellige fruktene
Elevene vil si navnet på de forskjellige fruktene
5 min

Læreren vil be elevene synge en sang om frukt

Elevene vil synge den sangen som de begynte timen med

Etter at timen er over går læreren igjennom planen og ser om elvene har oppnådd dagens mål. 

søndag 9. mars 2014


På fredag fikk alle på Happy Day boller før lunsj.

Viktig å lære god hygiene!

Kjersti deler ut boller

De som ikke gikk hjem til lunsj, fikk en ekstra bolle ;)

fredag 7. mars 2014

Monthly Report for February

Report from February 2014, written by Teacher Margaret

We have come to the end of February, which was also our mid-term break. The break started on Wednesday 26th of February and ended on Monday 3rd of March.
We did our mid-term evaluation exams and are happy to report that our children are doing very well academically despite their hard environmental challenges.

The school revived the break time porridge for all of the children and they are always looking forward to break time. This meal has enabled children who used to come hungry to school to have a full stomach. Thanks very much to the partners who enabled the re-start of the program. The school had stopped the program due to the food crisis and the high prices of food which had affected the country. The lunch time feeding program is also on going though with challenges, but we hope to be able to provide lunch for all with minimal challenges.

The school is facing some challenges in classes because some parents are not able to buy their children writing materials like: books, pencils, rubbers and sharpeners. Thanks to our friend Brit from Norway who bought some books. You helped put a smile on the childrens faces. Most of the children don’t have school bags to carry their items in and this makes their books to get spoiled quickly.
We are still waiting for the new school syllabus from the government which will enable the teachers to give holistic development to the children.
We are experiencing a shortage in the reading materials in our classes. This is because all the text books changed with the new political constitutions. We have been forced to buy new text books for all classes. The books are very costly and we have only bought one for every subject per class. The teachers shares the books with the children. We thank our friends from Norway who bought some number work books for children in the pre-school. Though they are in a different language, the mathematics in them is similar to what we learn here.

New academic acivities
We are working towards achieving the holistic development of the children through academic and co-curriculum activities. We have introduced: debating = where the students are given a motion(topic) to discuss (give advantages and disadvantages). One group supports the motion and the other group act as the opposers. For example we recently gave them the motion: “Village life is better than urban life”. Through such activities the children learn the communication skills and they also learn how to have confidence when addressing people. They also improve on their written and spoken language. Another activity that we have introduced is dramatizing or acting. The teacher comes up with a script and choose characters for the children. The play has to be in simple language and with educative background. Through this the children also improve on communication skills. More activities take place at the field where children play at the watchful eye of their teachers. They sing, jump, skip, clap, dance and throw balls.

Scouts club
We are planning on starting a scouts club in the school so that the children can learn important skills through the club. The clubs uniform costs a lot but after the club is in place we shall find ways of getting them for our kids.
 We have joined other neighboring schools and we will be joining them during games and sports. This will expose our children to what other schools are doing. We shall need play materials like balls, ropes, bean bags etc

This year we didn’t admit many children because we needed to have a number of children that we could cater for. We have now a total number of 40 children. On most days about 5 of them are absent from school due to either sickness or hunger. One of them as been out of school on the last two months because he fell and broke his leg and he walks with crouches on.
We have a volunteer teacher in the school whose name is Jacinter. This is an indicator that we are growing.

Happy Day Junior School invites any comment, advice and any form of help from any willing person. Your advice will help us achieve our goals and make the children better citizens of the world tomorrow.

Again we thank all our partners for your support. May you all be blessed.

tirsdag 4. mars 2014


I forrige uke fikk skolen besøk fra Norge. Brit fikk hilse på elvene og sett hvordan skolen fungerer. Hun hadde med seg kladdebøker (hurra!) og godteri til elevene. Det var stas! 

Happy Day tar gjerne i mot besøk. Er du i Nairobi eller tenker å reise, så er det bare å ta kontakt