tirsdag 7. mars 2017

B OK operasjon Kenya

Vi er så heldige at Bjørnholt Videregående Skole har valgt Happy Day Junior School som sitt veldedige prosjekt i år. Under kan dere se en film de har laget til denne aksjonen som skal samle inn penger til skolen vår! 

Vi er veldig glade og takknemlige for at de har valgt oss. Og vi håper flere nå kan få høre om vårt arbeid og hjelpe oss til å gjøre skolen ennå bedre :)

Monthly Report February

Written by Teacher Margaret

Morning y'all, trust you are fine. We reported back to school after our mid term break which started on Friday. We are starting our mid term exams today. We had to do the exams after the break because I didn't have enough money to purchase the exam papers for all the kids. I am going to town after doing this report to buy the exams. 
Food prices have gone up due to the drought being experienced in Kenya. Below are the current food prices together with our budget for February /March 
Maize flour 4 bales @ 1,470...5,880 
Rice 25kg 2 sacks @ 1,900.....3,800 
Cooking oil 10 litres @...........1,300 
Porridge flour............. @.......1,200 
Green grams........... @...........1,000 
Vegetables........... @...............4,000 
Matchbox.......... @....................200 
Tea leaves...............................1,000 
Mandazi................................. 6,000 
Charcoal................................. 3,600 
TOTAL................... 39,550 
INSURANCE.......... 14,000 
STATIONARY.......... 5,000 

Total.............. ...... 101,550 kshs