onsdag 25. oktober 2017


Idag hadde vi siste skoledag før juleferien. Nå er skolen stengt frem til over nyttår.
I år stengte skolen litt tidligere en vanligere på grunn av det nye presidentvalget som blir holdt imorgen.

Det ble servert mat og drikke til alle elevene og foreldrene som kom.
Og vi hadde en fin seremoni for de barna som nå er ferdig på førskolen og skal over i første klasse i januar.

Takk for i år! 

torsdag 5. oktober 2017


Vi har besluttet at vi kan gi våre kjære lærere og medarbeidere en lønnsøkning.
Dette vil hjelpe lærerne og familiene deres mye.
Margaret vil nå tjene 15000 KSH
Kelly                          12000 KSH
Mercy                        10500 KSH
Joy                               9000 KSH
Mary                            9000 KSH
Mbithi                          7500 KSH
Kokk                            7500 KSH
Speiderlederen             4500 KSH

Tusen takk for all støtten vi får. Det utgjør en enorm forskjell for alle på Happy Day!

Monthly Report October

Written By Teacher Margaret

Morning y'all. I trust you are all fine and doing well. 
We at Happy Day are doing well too despite the political temperatures in Kenya. As we all know this is the third term and the last term of the year. Due to the presidential reelection, schools are closing very early. All schools are supposed to close before 26th October which is the election day. 
As always, our pre-unit class is supposed to graduate this month as they join class one. We always have the graduation ceremony during the closing day which will be on 25th October 2017. We have 10 children in that class. 
The school looks as good as new due to the ongoing face-lift and renovation. THANKS VERY MUCH TO YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT. Mum and I have been busy with the workers who started working during the holidays. Most of the work has been done. Mum thinks that we can paint immediately after closing which I think is okay. The carpenter will come to do his quotation for the shelves and lockers tomorrow then we can send it. During the renovation we used lots of water for the work. 
We will start our end term exams on Wednesday 18th and finish on 23rd October
Our budget is as follows 
Tr Margaret.... 10,000 
Tr. Kellis........... 8,000 
Tr. Mercy.......... 7,000 
Tr. Mary............ 6,000 
Tr. Joy............... 6,000 
Scouts................ 3,000 
TOTAL............ 50,000 
CHAI............... 21,300 
WATER.............. 5,000 
INSURANCE.. 14,000 

certificates.......... 2,000 
Gowns................ 2,000 
Presents.............. 3,000 
Refreshments...... 2,000 
TOTAL................ 9,000 

TOTAL...... ......116,010