Nå nærmer jula seg og det er ikke alltid lett å finne gaver til alle man vil gi en oppmerksomhet. Hva med å gi en gave som virkelig betyr noe og kjøpe et gavekort til inntekt for Happy day junior school? 💕 Send en bestilling til Annelene Rør på Messenger, annelene.ror@gmail.com eller sms til 40497911 og inkluder antall, "Til", "Fra" og "beløp". Inkluder gjerne en personlig hilsen 😍
onsdag 1. november 2023
Your support has made huge improvements!
Good morning everyone. First we would like to appreciate you all for the support accorded to Happy day junior school at large. The feeding program did resume and on weekly basis we are provided with breakfast and lunch at school. This has made reading and availability of pupils in the school on a daily basis improve compared to when we couldn't afford providing meals daily - we say thank you very much! Also for facilitation of other operations at school such as water bills, stationaries and other co-curricula activities.
Seats has also been made:
lørdag 23. september 2023
Veldig takknemlig!
Etter at en haug av mennesker på min kontaktliste
fikk direkte henvendelse på sms, har vi fått inn nok
penger til både tavler og pulter, skoletur og mat ut
skoleåret (skoleåret følger kalenderen i Kenya). Vi
er SÅ takknemlige ❤️ Vi ønsker oss fremdeles flere
månedlige bidrag for forutsigbarheten skyld, men
setter veldig, veldig pris på alle bidrag! Dere er
fantastiske ❤️
søndag 10. september 2023
Updates September 2023 and needs
Jambo Happy Day family. We hope you are all fine. We at happy
day are charged up to teach and educate the happy day kids.
We are also ready for both academic and extra curriculum activities.
and we hope to achieve our objectives. Despite the hard economic times,
we continued with the feeding program by having the parents pay 20 shillings
a day (which isn't even enough for 1 meal) plus self contributions. We have been
cooking 3kg of rice instead of 6. Most of the parents are unable to pay the 20 shillings
but we have to feed even the most needy. We will appreciate if the feeding program:
comes back in full. (Read to the end - photos are in between important information <3)
the school that concerns our infrastructure needs to be addressed, 4 of our classes
need at least 3 desks each to accommodate the kids seating and the classes need
wooden black boards,we would appreciate any help towards the above needs the cost
is as stated below.
ble to venture outside our hood. This will create unforgettable moments and memories for
the young ones. Every child is supposed to pay 400 shillings for the event. This will cater f
or transport and all games inclusive.
so the budget will be as below:

1) Monthly reuirements to cater for the feeding program: Ksh 50 080
2) Upgrading of black boards and desks: Ksh 45000
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søndag 3. september 2023
Greetings from Happy day
We opened school on 30th Aug 2023 for the third and last term of this year.

søndag 13. august 2023
Updates from Happy day July and August 2023
17. July 2023
They use eco friendly fuel and they are more economical than the one we have been using.
couldn't be at home to make lunch for them. We , as a school are also feeding 7 kids who
are very vulnerable (we noticed that they always came back after lunch without having a meal).
are being used by the playgroup class for their afternoon nap. Once again we say asante sana.
to feed the kids. Again , asante sana.
that's why we didn't ask for the assistance. This end term looks like they are unable to pay.
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fredag 12. mai 2023
New term
Good morning Happy Day family. (written by Maggie 09.05.23)
mandag 1. mai 2023
Det går ikke rundt
Det er fremdeles barn fra de mest utsatte familiene som går på Happy day og de ansatte er helt avhengige av inntekten de får fra Happy day for å forsørge sine egne familier. Inntektsnivået er så lavt at de ikke får endene til å møtes. I 2023 har vi ikke fått inn nok penger til å gi mat til barna på skolen og denne måneden har vi heller ikke penger til å betale ut de lønningene de ansatte pleier å få. De vil fortsette å holde skolen åpen og gjøre så godt de kan for å gi barna opplæring og et trygt sted å være mens foreldrene prøver å skaffe penger til mat. Men det ville ha en enorm betydning om vi hadde klart å bidra med penger til mat til barna og lønn til de ansatte. Har du lyst og mulighet til å bidra til at dette meningsfulle prosjektet får hjulene til å gå rundt, setter vi stor pris på månedlige bidrag på 1503 91 06091 eller VIPPS til Happy Day juniors schools venner #104265 ❤️❤️❤️
Innblikk: Det har nettopp vært en to ukers ferie i skoleruta. Før det gjennomførte elevene eksamener i tråd med retningslinjene i Kenya:
torsdag 30. mars 2023
tirsdag 28. februar 2023
Good afternoon happy day family.
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fredag 6. januar 2023
Preparing for a new school year
Happy New Year to the Happy Day family. We hope you are all doing well this new year. We at happy day junior school are fine.