onsdag 27. november 2019

Monthly Report December

Written by Teacher Margaret

Good morning Happy day family. We hope this finds you well. We are also fine though we are out of school for the Christmas holidays. We will reopen on 7th January for the new year. This is always the longest break in the Kenyan school calendar.
Next year all the children will be promoted to the next class.
We the staff are getting trained for the new system of education. Each one of us has gone through the trainings and by the end of December we will be fully trained and ready for next year.
We , the management wish all our children, parents, teacher's, friends and family a merry Christmas. Kindly let's remember the Happy day families that are needy during this festive season. Giving is living. Have a blessed day. 
Below is our Nov/ Dec budget :
SALARIES.................................. 75,000
Permit renewal............................. 20,000
County government license......... 23, 000
National government license....... 25,000
Revenue authority........................ 15,000

TOTAL....................................... 175,000

mandag 4. november 2019

Monthly Report October/November

Written by Teacher Margaret

Good morning Happy day family. 
We hope you are all going well. We at Happy day are good too. We have come to the end of third and last term of 2019 and we are happy to report that we are coping on well with the new system of education. We hope to continue learning more through the ongoing trainings for all teachers. 
We are having our graduation ceremony for our pre unit ( pp2) class on 5th Nov as we close school on the same day. We have made a budget for the same: 
Gowns............ 150 × 12 = 1800 
Certificates..... 200 × 12 = 2400 
Prizes............. 250 × 12 = 3000 
Sweets.... ..........................2000 
Balloons............................. 200 
Soda 3 @ 570 × 3 =          1710 
Packing papers................... 500 
Cake................................. 1500 

We will have a two months break from school though all teachers will attend their final training in November. On the closing day we are thinking of giving our kids toothbrushes and toothpaste because it has been long since we did it. 
Toothbrushes.... 50 × 50 = 2500 
Toothpaste........ 60 × 50 = 3000 
TOTAL............................. 5500 

Our October / November budget is as follows: 
Salaries........................... 75000 
Insurance........................ 14000 
Water................................ 3000 
Trainings...... 5600 × 5 = 28000 
TOTAL........................ 120,000. 

Have a blessed day . I will compile an end of year report all inclusive after closing day. Be blessed

tirsdag 10. september 2019

Monthly Report August/September

Written by Teacher Margaret

Jambo Happy Day family and happy new month. We are now entering the third and final term of the year. We are opening school on Tuesday 3rd September. Hopefully we will all be back for this terms learning. Teacher kellis will be back after her maternity leave to continue with her class. This will be a very busy term especially with the curriculum based system. Our kids will be having many practical lessons than theory. This will enable children and teachers to identify and nurture talents and abilities. My phone camera isn't working well I would have sent you some pictures of handmade learning materials made by use. I will ask someone to take pics for me. During the holidays I made aprons out of gunny sacks, dustpans out of old plastic containers ,brooms out of sticks and dustbins out of old containers. This will be used in teaching about hygiene and creativity. We will update more as we too are still learning about the new curriculum

Our July / August budget is as follows 
Salaries............ 75000 
Insurance........ 14000 
Stationary......... 5000 
TOTAL........ 145,400

tirsdag 2. juli 2019

Monthly Report June

Written by Teacher Margaret

Good morning happy day family... 
We hope you are all doing well. We at happy day are doing well especially now that four of us have started training for the new curriculum of education. We feel charged up for the task ahead of us. We have now learnt how to go about with the new system of education and we are most grateful to those who have enabled us to get this very important knowledge. Be blessed. 
We will start updating on our wall the kids progress as per the system so that you and us can help the kids to grow wholely. The new system is all about identification of talents and abilities in our kids especially on life skills so that they can learn on issues that concern their field of interest. We have been taught how to create a portfolio for each kid so that we can start monitoring their likes and dislikes. We hope to continue giving them the best that we can. The new system requires lots of tangible material because its not about writing, its more of mind development. Each child needs to have a personal file, manilla papers, a pair of scissors, stick glue, a ruler , a pencil and a maker pen. We have asked the parents to buy the items for their children but unfortunately most of them haven't bought. We will also need modelling clay and water colours. We hope to get this items so that we can teach what we have been taught. We will always give progress reports of every child to their parents through grading ( no more numbers). We have been giving numbers according to the marks gained. From the highest to the lowest

Our kids need lots of exposure outside the walls of happy day junior school so that they can have real life experience of what they will learn in class. This will enable them to expand their minds on what they want to do when they grow up. All of our happy day kids are from financially unstable families and they haven't been away from their informal neighborhood except those who have gone for school tour at happy day. We wish to take them for an educational tour once more by next term.
Teacher Kellis is still away for maternity leave and we wish her and the newborn baby all the best. She will be back in three months time

Our June/July budget is as follows
Salaries......... 75000
Insurance...... 14000
Stationary....... 5000

TOTAL........... 145,400

Thanks once more and have a blessed new month.
Lots of love from Happy Day junior school administration, staff , children and parents. Be blessed

tirsdag 4. juni 2019

Monthly Report May

Written by Teacher Margaret

Good afternoon to you all. 
We hope you are doing well today.  We at happy day are doing well too.  This month we have nothing much to report about.  Tr.  Mercy and Tr. Mary are through with the ongoing teacher trainings  and we know they are going to be of value to the kids.  Tr. Joy and I are joining the training in June then tr. Kellis will train after she reports back from maternity leave.  We are most grateful to all who have enabled us to go through the training.

Our feeding programme is still on and we are grateful and thankful for the continued support towards the same.  May you all be blessed.

Our May / June budget is as follows
Salaries......... 75000
Insurance..... 14000
Stationary....... 5000
TOTAL........... 145,400

torsdag 4. april 2019

Monthly Report April

Written by Teacher Margaret

Jambo you all. 
We hope this finds you well. We at happy day are doing well and we are currently doing our end term exams. Schools are closing on Friday this week. Our staff and children are all busy doing the exams. This term has been a busy term for us because in February we had visitors from Norway who kept us busy. After the visitors went back home we participated in a children's rally in Umoja and it was a nice experience for us all. 
Our teachers are required to train for the new system of education so that they can teach the relevant material to the kids. Tr. Mary has enrolled into a teachers training college for the same. The new system has come with new challenges which include a change of all text books in all classes, a change in general approach of all thematic areas and a big change in sociology. We hope that by the end of this year all of us will be re- trained for the new curriculum. 
One of the kids who had been staying very far away from school has since relocated to a house nearby the school. Thank you so much to Annelene, Tina and the students from their school who have made this possible. 
We are closing school on Friday 5th April for the easter holidays and we will reopen on 30th April for second term. We did 10 new admissions for baby class this term. 
We have vaccinated 2 of the kids against typhoid which had been a point of concern for a long time. Thanks to those who enabled that. The other 8 need to be screened on the same, treated then vaccinated so that we can have children that are free from typhoid.

Our March/April budget is as follows
SALARIES.. . .  75000
INSURANCE... 14000


SCREENING...... 1800 × 8 = 14,400
VACCINATION.... 3000 × 8 = 24000
TREATMENT...... 2200 per child depending on how many kids will be sick

onsdag 13. mars 2019

Besøk fra Norge

I februar hadde Happy Day besøk fra Bjørnholt Videregående Skole.

Vil du lese mer om turen deres kan du følge linken under:

Monthly Report March

Written by Teacher Margaret

Jambo our happy day family. We hope that you are doing well. We at happy day are doing good and feeling energized after the recent visit by B-O-K Group from Norway. We are very grateful for coming and giving the kids hope for tomorrow. Thank you for the home visits to a few of happy day families. The visiting group at least got to know the actual situations of the children we have here. We had a week full of positive energy and we also had a party full of music, food, kids games and above all full of happiness. Such events gives the kids lifetime experiences.

This term has seen us admit 10 new kids in our baby class. Our criteria of admitting is that we take very vulnerable kids who if not admitted will not go to school due to poverty. I will give a few insights on some of our kids.

He is a 9yr old boy from a very poor background. He entirely depends on happy day meals. His mother is a stay at home mom since she is very poor and she also has a small baby. Justus is the eldest in a family of 4 children.... Happy day buys him school uniform when what he has becomes worn out. He is soon leaving happy day to another school and we don't know what will happen to him then

Marion is 8yrs old... She also comes from a very poor background. The family had been living new our school until when they were evicted from the iron sheet structure by the landlord because they were unable to pay rent. As at now she walks to and from school every a distance of around 10 kilometers.... She too mostly depends on the school meals.... Her mother is jobless and had kept her at home after schools opened because she didn't have the requirements... We looked for her and asked her to let Marion come to school even with nothing.

This are just two cases that I have highlighted. We will highlight each and every happy day child by the end of this term.

Our newly admitted kids are also in need of screening, treatment and vaccination against typhoid ... Typhoid had been a big cause of absenteeism until last year when our kids, the staff and some of the families went through the process.... We also think the the new kids should go through the process. We have already started with 2 of them who are currently under treatment

Our february / march budget is as follows 
Salaries....... 75000 
Insurance.... 14000 
Stationary...... 5000 
TOTAL..... 145,400 

onsdag 6. februar 2019

Monthly Report February

Written by Teacher Margaret

Trust you all are doing well. We at happy day are doing fine. We started this year well and we have not experienced many shortcomings. All the staff are back and we currently have 51 kids in all our classes. We have done new admissions for baby class only though we turned away many due to the limited number of our vacancies. 
We now have a new system of education and at happy day its only teacher Mary and I who have trained for the same. The rest of the teachers will have to train as we progress.

We are eagerly waiting for the arrival of our friends and visitors from Norway in this month of February

Our January/February budget is as follows
Salaries......... 75000 
Insurance..... 14000 
Stationary....... 5000 
TOTAL...... 145,400

søndag 13. januar 2019

Monthly Report January

Happy new year to you all. We at happy day wish you all the best in 2019. 
We are opening school tomorrow after a long Christmas holiday. We are very grateful to all those who enabled our kids and their families to have food for Christmas. May you be blessed. The first term of 2019 begins tomorrow and ends on 12th April. We are looking forward to having a blessed term. We will be doing new admissions for baby class only because the kids who were in baby class are proceeding to nursery..

For parents who had traveled upcountry for the holidays we will give their Christmas food as soon as they report back

Our DEC/JAN budget is as follows ; 
Salaries.......... 75000 
Gas refill...........2500 
Insurance.... ...14000 
Stationary........ 5000 
TOTAL....... 145000