mandag 19. november 2018

Monthly Report November

Jambo you all, we at happy day hope that you are all doing fine. We are doing well too.
We are closing school on Friday 2nd Nov, 2018 for Christmas holidays. We will have our graduation on the same day. This is the longest period of time that the kids are away from school. We all know that 95% of the happy day kids are from very poor families and so the two months that they will be at home are a big big challenge to the families. Most families cannot afford a meal every day unlike when we are in school then they are sure of eating lunch, breakfast and porridge during break time. Its our humble request that if possible we buy some foodstuffs to give to them on closing day to take home with them. We think that if they can get each a 2kg packet of maize flour, 2kg rice, 2kg packet of wheat flour, bar soap, 1 ltr cooking oil, salt and 1 kg sugar then we will have helped the families a bit during the month of November.

October/Nov budget
Salaries..... 75,000

In case we can afford this is what we need for the whole school 
100kg rice ................... @ 8,800 
5 bales maize flour........@ 5,200 
5 bales wheat flour........@ 5,750 
50kg sugar.....................@ 6,800 
50ltrs cooking oil...........@6,900 
1 carton bar soap...........@ 1,400 
TOTAL............................ 34,850