søndag 9. september 2018

Monthly Report July/August

Written by Teacher Margaret

I hope you are all doing well. We too are doing fine. 
Happy day is opening school on 3rd September 2018 after the August holidays break. During the break we were able to vaccinate 48 kids for typhoid. We weren't able to take pictures because it was done in a government facility called njiru health centre. The remaining people will be vaccinated as soon as we open school next week. This will happen at happy day then we can take some pictures. Most of those who have not been vaccinated had either traveled with their parents upcountry or couldn't be reached on phone after closing day. 
Today teacher Mary is attending an ECDE (early childhood development and education) teachers seminar at the bridge international school. This will keep happy day updated on matters that concern the early childhood education. 
Third term is the shortest term of the year. Schools close early to enable the grade 8 and form 4 candidates to do their national examination. Third term has many activities in the school calendar. Our pre- unit class will graduate to the grade one class in November. During this term we will have an inter schools ball games that will take place in our neighbouring school. This will include all informal schools around including happy day. We will also have the mid and end term exams for all kids. Second term saw us go to the animal orphanage in Nairobi. It was a really good experience for all of us at happy day. Thanks so much Marianne for paying for all of us to go to the orphanage. We are hoping to take the kids to the mamba village and ostrich center by the end of the term... This is because we realised during a children's rally that was held early this year that this kids lack an outside exposure. We want them to realise that there is life away from their homes and away from their usual environment

Salaries....... 75,000 
Gas refill.......2,400 
Insurance... .14,000 


Thanks and have a blessed weekend.