onsdag 31. august 2016

Monthly Report for August

Written by Teacher Margaret

Jambo dears, trust you have all been well. We are well too. We are opening school on Tuesday 30th August 2016 for the third and last term of the year. During this term schools in Kenya hold many activities. We have graduation ceremonies for pre unit kids, we also have many extra curriculum activities going on.
The exams that are done during the third term enable us to move to the next class. We will be in school for only two and a half months and then break for the Christmas holidays.

I have 33 Grey trousers that we will give to the kids. We had paid for the trousers a long time ago and now we have them.
We are currently experiencing water shortage in Nairobi but we hope that the government will work on improving the same.

Our August /September budget is as follows
Salaries....... 50,000
Food............. 24,000
Insurance.... 14,000
Water............... 3,000
Stationary....... 5,000
Total............... 96,000

More updates will come up when we open.
Thank you all and be blessed

mandag 15. august 2016


Vi er kommet til midten av august, og i Norge er veldig mange nå klar for skolestart igjen.
I Kenya er det nå siste ferie før de starter opp på siste semester i september.
Takk for all støtte vi har fått så langt i år. Nå er det snart bare 3 måneder igjen av skoleåret i Kenya, og vi håper vi får til å avslutte året på en god måte. Derfor håper vi at dere alle vil bli med oss videre :)

Vi trenger også flere faddere. Les mer om det på siden fadder

tirsdag 2. august 2016

Monthly Report for July

Written by Teacher Margaret

Jambo my people. Hope you all are doing well. We at Happy Day are doing fine too. We are preparing for the end term exams which are due to start next week. We will close school the week after. We already have the exam papers with us. 
This term has been a good one to us though challenges are always there. Our staff have been very instrumental in ensuring the welfare of the kids is well taken care of. We are in need of report books because we finished the ones we had. The teachers asked if we could have a school diary for each kid so that we can be communicating with the parents easily. This should start next term if possible. 

Our budget is as follows

Salaries...... 50000 
Food........... 12000 
Insurance.... 14000 

And if possible report books... 5000 