torsdag 26. mars 2015


Happy Day Junior School har nå innlagt vann! 

Det gjenstår fremdeles litt arbeid med å få på plass alt av vannmålere og riktige papirer. Men det er vann i krana, så alle elevene har nå tilgang på rent vann!

Tusen takk til familien Aastad/Eines som gjorde dette mulig!

Skolen ønsker seg en vanntank, slik at man kan samle opp vannet og spare til en dag det ikke er vann i krana. Selv om vi nå har innlagt vann, så er det ikke garantert at det er vann der hele tiden. Vannmangel er et stort problem i Nairobi, og av og til blir derfor vanntilførselen stoppet for å spare på byens vann.

onsdag 11. mars 2015

Fra Bergen til Nairobi

Sende noe til Happy Day?

Den 26. mars drar Jorunn nedover til Kenya. Bor du i Bergen, er det mulig å sende ting nedover med henne.

Har du noe av følgende tar vi det gjerne imot:
  • Strikket tøy
  • Sko
  • Klær
  • Svarte sko (til skoleuniform)
  • Hvite skjorter, både kort og lang arm (til skoleuniform)
  • Hvite strømper/sokker/strømpebukse (til skoleuniform)
  • Små sekker for skolebruk
  • Leker
  • Skolemateriell; som blyanter, viskelær, linjaler etc
  • Male- og tegnesaker
  • Bøker på Engelsk
Barna er i alderen 3- 10 år, og vi tar imot både gammelt og nytt
Klær eller sko som blir til overs eller ikke passer noen av barna blir gitt til søsken av elevene på Happy Day.

Send Jorunn en sms eller ring henne på 98 00 00 58, hvis du har noe du vil gi til barna på Happy Day Junior School

fredag 6. mars 2015

Monthly Report for February

Written by Teacher Margaret

I greet you all our friends, family, and suppoters. Happy Day Junior School is happy and greatfull to be associated with you. We are continuing with the government school curriculum and syllabus as required by the gorvernment of Kenya. We have also come up with other measures that makes our project a child friendly school. Our feeding programme is still in place and as we always say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to all those who help in feeding the children of happy day junior school. You make it easier for the children to be in school and for the parents too.
We are still experiencing water challenges due to the scarcity of the commodity. Water has been a big challenge to us and to the surrounding area but we hope soon the challenge will be overcome. The Nairobi Water And Sewage Company is still working on connecting piped water to all the premises in this area after one pays a connection fee and after one buys water pipes for connection. This term has not been an active term in sports due to the strike that affected all public schools in Kenya at the begining of the year. The co-curriculum syllabus is currently being worked on by the concerned officials and all schools will be able to continue with the sports. We are looking forward to that and we continue taking our children out for physical education.
Our scouts club together with their teacher have been working closely with scouts from other schools. They recently held a clean up exercise where they collected garbage in partnership with The Kenya Waste Management Company which provided the participants with brooms and wheelbarrows for the clean up exercise. This enables the children to became better citizens of the world tomorrow.
The education for life club has been teaching the children on life skills together with the life skills club. The two clubs give the children better understanding of themselves and the environment.
The debate club has been holing debates (where a topic is given to the club members for discusion and then they choose one member who presents their views on the topic to all the school.) We recently had a motion which read "Life is better in the city than up country". One group were proposing (supporting) the motion and the other group was opposing (disagreeing) the motion. This type of discussion helps the children to get communication skills e.g. talking and listening. It also helps them to have self esteem and also to grow their language and orl skills. It also gives them confidence while talking infront of people.
The Christian union is a religious club where the children are tought about christianity, its values and morals. This helps the children by realising their religious belives. We use the bible in achieving the same.

Financial budget

Kellis - 8000
Mary - 8000
Joy - 8000
Jacinter - 8000
Josephine- 7000
Simon - 7000
Magie - 10000

Scouts - 2000

Food - 20000

Hy.Kit - 3925

Insurance - 14000

Cartridges - 6000

Total - 101925 ksh

onsdag 4. mars 2015

De fleste dager er...

Så selv om det er spennende og gøy når det skjer noe spesielt, så er det likevel like viktig med hverdager. Elevene lærer, leker og legger grunnlaget på disse helt vanlige dagene.